PREAMBLE The company SARL BYJOWAY (hereinafter referred to respectively as « BYJOWAY », « the seller » or « the company »), operates a business providing vehicles with chauffeurs, chauffeurs alone, professionals with or without a VTC card, transfers – connections – shuttles, car rentals with chauffeurs, VIP chauffeurs, Grande Remise chauffeurs, security drivers, chauffeurs de maître/direction and related services. BYJOWAY’s legal information and contact details are as follows : SARL BYJOWAY with variable capital of 9,000 euros, registered in the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under siren no. 812941433, with head office at 1500 rue Felix Dehau – Bat 2, Bouvines (59830), email: contact@BYJOWAY.fr tel: (+33) 03 59 611 601, with sales offices in Lille, Le Touquet, Valenciennes, and Paris Roissy, and affiliated agencies in Amiens and Arras. In order to carry out its business activities and meet its legal and regulatory obligations relating to the transport of people for hire or reward, BYJOWAY is registered as a chauffeur-driven transport vehicle under no. EVTC059220136 issued by the Préfecture du Nord.
- Preliminary provisions These general terms of service govern the contractual and pre-contractual relationship between the BYJOWAY company and its customer. These general conditions of service (« GCS ») establish the contractual conditions exclusively applicable to any contract concerning orders concluded with the company BYJOWAY by any means, any intermediary and any medium whatsoever (mail, call, social media and Customer Area or consultation). They apply to professional customers as well to consumers designated hereinafter without distinction as « customer » or « client » (which may be distinguished from the « passenger » himself using the services). The present terms and conditions general terms and conditions of service may be supplemented by additional information having the value of special terms and conditions, without the latter altering or diminishing the commitments of the present document. These specific conditions and/or additional mentions may be communicated on any medium and will be opposable to the customer as long as they have been communicated to him. If the relationship between BYJOWAY company and the customer is established on the company’s showcase website, these GTCS are inseparable from the General Terms Use (GTU) of the website in question. If the relationship between BYJOWAY and the customer is established through the Customer Area made available by BYJOWAY via WAYNIUM, or through the WAYCORP network, these GTCS apply without exception. The present General Terms of Service (GTS) as well as the General Terms Use (GTU) of the BYJOWAY showcase website can be consulted at any time and in free access on the website: www.BYJOWAY.fr. The customer BYJOWAY reminds you that the GCS are provided on the same medium as the quotation. The customer who validates an offer or a quotation, whatever the format or medium, hereby certifies that he/she has read and accepts the GCS. The present general or special terms and conditions of service negotiated between the parties cancel and replace any clause appearing in any other document. If the present conditions are silent on a specific point, no other clause in any other document may be invoked against it. The nullity of a contractual clause does not entail the nullity of the general conditions of sale unless it is a determining clause which led one of the parties to enter into the said contract. 1.1 Tolerance The fact that BYJOWAY does not take advantage, at a moment, of any of these general terms and conditions of service, cannot be interpreted as a renunciation to take advantage of any of these general terms and conditions of sale at a later date. Whatever the duration of the tolerance, it shall in no case become the new agreement of the parties. 1.2 Modifications BYJOWAY reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Such changes shall be effective only for the future. The general terms and conditions applicable are those in force at the date of the order placed by the customer, i.e. its « good for agreement » / signature of estimate or any form of validation of services provided by BYJOWAY, dated of course. The last revision of these GCS is dated May 31, 2024. 1.3 Pre-contractual information The customer may, prior to his order, take note of the essential characteristics of services he wishes to order by consulting the pre-contractual information provided by the company BYJOWAY before any order. Moreover, the customer has the right to contact the company in order to answer any question prior to his agreement or during his consideration. All requests can be made by e-mail contact@BYJOWAY.fr or by telephone: 03 59 611 601. Photographs and graphics appearing on commercial documents or the website are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute a contractual commitment on part of the company guaranteeing perfect similarity between the service ordered and the service represented.
- Terms acceptance and validation of the order The customer is deemed to have accepted without reservation the entirety of the provisions of these general conditions and the specific conditions set out in the detailed quotation. The offer formulated by BYJOWAY through its quotations or commercial proposals must be accepted by the customer. Each commercial proposal (including price list) is valid for eight (8) days from the date of issue. For requests relating to executive services within the current eight (8) days, each commercial proposal (including price list) is valid for 10 (ten) hours from its issue. Any new proposal relating to the same request cancels and replaces the previous one, regardless of the wording or the date of issue. reference or reason. Orders being final and irrevocable, any request for modification made by the customer is subject to acceptance by BYJOWAY. Acceptance of the quotation by the customer must be made by any means or positive act following issue of the quotation (transfer of details, destination or address, and any element essential to the realization of the service) and/or by return of the quotation, dated, sealed and signed by the customer, with the mention « good for agreement ». The quotation is drawn up on the basis of the information provided by the customer, i.e. : type of service required, choice of category of service and vehicle (within the limits of the choice available at the date of the request, of a vehicle adapted to the conditions of transport and number of persons transported or of a standing vehicle), event in which the transport service takes place if applicable and its context, distribution of passengers and their criteria (luggage, mobility, languages …), itineraries as well as rotation cycles, indication of personal data (billing address, surname, first name etc …). Should any of this information not be provided, or should any of this information prove to be false, BYJOWAY is entitled to terminate the service immediately and without notice, with any balance due becoming payable under the same conditions. Customer’s purchasing process Any customer or client with a purchase order process, supplier referencing platforms or outsourced invoice processing will be required to provide these elements when validating the quotation and not after the service has been provided; in this case, the customer will be obliged to pay the balance due by credit card remotely or by bank transfer, and BYJOWAY undertakes to take note of these administrative constraints for orders. For any isolated/single purchase of less than five hundred (500) euros exclusive of tax, BYJOWAY will suggest a simplified direct payment in the form of a receipted expense report and will not submit to execution of a process.
- Tariffs and associated conditions The tariffs communicated within the framework of the various material and immaterial publications of a commercial nature (catalog, Internet site, etc.) are only indicative. They are not binding on BYJOWAY. Rates are established on request according to the economic conditions currently in force (e.g. variation in fuel costs, updating of parking or toll rates, collective bargaining agreement, health context requiring special arrangements and specific purchases by BYJOWAY, major events with major disruptions in traffic and access …), schedules, type of service selected, standing required and / or vehicle. The price of the service may be increased by up to 50% on public holidays, which are clearly indicated on the quotation when practiced. Depending on the customer’s request and the characteristics of the order, these elements give rise to the pricing of the order: BYJOWAY’s quotes and offers are considered to reflect the customer’s requests or briefs, which BYJOWAY encourages the customer to verify when transmitting the order. The price of the order appears on quotation or offer issued by BYJOWAY. The price is in force on the date of the quotation. The price is expressed in euros. It is issued and calculated exclusive of tax for professionals and detailed inclusive of all taxes for consumers; in most cases, the VAT applied to transport services is 10%. Price requests for a date more than three (3) months in the future may be updated as the service date approaches. Drawing up a BYJOWAY quotation or offer, the principle used for calculating the rate is one piece of M-size luggage per person; in the case of additional, exceptional or bulky luggage, BYJOWAY reminds you that it is the responsibility of the customer or client to clearly state the actual requirements, noting that this point is essential welcoming passenger(s) on board vehicles of the appropriate size. BYJOWAY will not be held responsible for absence of precautions on the subject of « luggage » based on the origin of the passengers, the duration of the stay or the type of passengers (e.g. musicians). The price quoted does not include any accessories to the service that may be necessary for its proper execution, such as unforeseen costs of parking, tolls, overnight stays, etc., which the customer undertakes to pay at the actual rate plus ten (10) percent on presentation of receipts. For pick-ups outside stations/airports, the first ten (10) minutes of waiting time following scheduled pick-up time for the passenger(s) is included in the rate. Beyond the first ten (10) minutes, waiting time is billed at an additional rate per hour started, based on ninety (90) euros (excl. VAT) per vehicle. In the case of station/airport pick-ups, BYJOWAY considers the transfer to be for the arrival of passengers, alone or in groups, on the same flight or train, and will not group together different passengers, whether or not they are in the same terminal or time slot. BYJOWAY undertakes to use its best endeavors to ensure the scheduled transportation, including in the event of flight or train delays or connections; this may include additional billing based on an hourly rate of ninety (90) euros (excl. VAT) per vehicle, the BYJOWAY principle being a pick-up time included in the rate provided of: thirty (30) minutes after a train arrives at the platform, two (2) hours after a plane actually lands. Beyond this time, the waiting time will be invoiced additionally per hour started, based on ninety (90) euros (excl. VAT) per vehicle. BYJOWAY will do its utmost to respond to any new intervention schedule due to flight or train delays, for example, within the limits of respecting its schedules and commitments as well as legislation concerning the safety of its personnel (working hours, rest periods, etc.). Any request for extension, postponement or modification of the assignment during its execution must be fully validated by BYJOWAY and will incur an additional charge of at least ninety (90) euros (excl. VAT) per vehicle, subject to production/scheduling capacity. Each postponement of the duration of the service which would generate the taking in charge of a meal by the BYJOWAY driver or personnel will be invoiced at a rate of twenty-two (22) euros (excl. VAT) per meal and person, in addition to the above-mentioned hourly rate. As a reminder, an unscheduled lunch break en route is not a sanitary break, and has consequences for the operational schedule and, of course, billing. In the event of a change in the elements used to establish the order (e.g. increase in the number of passengers, lengthening of the order period, etc.), we will inform you. BYJOWAY will be entitled to increase the price of the service and may refuse the said request for modification, in particular in view of the regulatory conditions. Of course, BYJOWAY cannot be held responsible for any additional damage caused by changes of mission (e.g. missed train). Finally, if BYJOWAY finds the vehicle to be in an abnormally dirty and dilapidated condition (inside and out) due to the fault or responsibility of the user/passenger/customer, a cleaning fee of four hundred (400) euros (excl. VAT) will be charged, without prejudice to the actual costs of restoring the vehicle, which will be borne by the customer. Lastly, BYJOWAY will invoice the actual amount plus 10% (ten) for any official report relating to parking during the execution of a mission for which the customer has wished and/or demanded a wait or a non-recommended position. Additional services The BYJOWAY company may offer additional services such as luggage management, for example, at the accommodation depot, or preventive alcohol testing (ETHYLOWAY) or personalized reception at stations/airports (Happy Managers), or transportation coordination. These missions will be described in the quote issued by BYJOWAY as specific conditions that complement these GCPS. This type of additional service may give rise to an on-site technical survey or complete specifications provided by BYJOWAY in terms of, for example, sufficient space, lighting, signage or maneuvering areas. This solution will be produced and managed by BYJOWAY, from its order to its installation, and potentially also its creation, and will be the subject of a specific invoicing mentioned on the estimate or the offer issued by BYJOWAY, which refuses any support on its bodies or vehicle interiors which would not have been produced by its care.
- Payment terms A deposit may be requested by BYJOWAY. Any first collaboration with BYJOWAY or any order exceeding 500€ (five hundred) TTC or any order including a minimum of 2 (two) vehicles or any order including a minimum of (3) three missions will motivate, among other things, a request for a deposit. This deposit must be paid at the latest when the service is booked and/or when the customer agrees to the service in order to fully validate the file. Invoices are paid in European currency (euros). Unless otherwise agreed, no discount of any kind or amount granted. Unless otherwise indicated on the invoice or special conditions agreed in the offer, the price is due upon presentation of the invoice to the customer, said cash/on-delivery, i.e. 8 (eight) working days. BYJOWAY accepts the following methods of payment: Bank transfer – Credit card via TPE or PayPlug or SumUp or LinkPay software. For security reasons, cash payments are accepted. Any incident of payment (partial payment, non-payment, delay, etc.) may legitimize the suspension of orders, services in progress by BYJOWAY without the customer being able to claim any damage. Any partial payment will be deducted from the sums due, regardless of the cause, starting with those due the earliest. Failure to pay for services on the agreed due dates will automatically, and without formal notice, result in the immediate payment of all sums, whatever the method of payment, due date or payment facilities previously granted. In the case of a multi-service customer, with different buyer contacts, the entire account will be blocked and no service will be provided until all outstanding balances have been settled. Default interest In the event of non-payment, interest at the ECB rate +10 (ten) points automatically be added to any sums due from the due date, without any formalities. Collection costs For Professional customers, a fixed collection fee of 40 (forty) euros per invoice due will be payable from the first day of delay. If collection costs exceed fixed indemnity, the customer hereby undertakes to pay all costs incurred, upon presentation of supporting documents. With regard to the consumer customer, the latter will have to assume the entirety of the expenses engaged in order to recover the sums due. Penalty clause BYJOWAY will be entitled to invoice, in addition, a fixed indemnity equal to 15% (fifteen) of the unpaid sums, by way of penalty, without prejudice to any damages it may claim elsewhere. Amounts due, penalties, collection costs and late payment interest are payable the need for a reminder.
- Conditions performance BYJOWAY undertakes to accommodate the Passenger in accordance with the terms agreed with the customer, or failing that in the best possible conditions and according to the specifications ordered, including in terms of standing. For all services, BYJOWAY undertakes to use vehicles in perfect working order and cleanliness. In the event of unforeseen unavailability of the chosen vehicle, BYJOWAY reserves the right to provide the Passenger with a vehicle of the same capacity, without guaranteeing standing. The customer is informed that a vehicle upgrade may be granted at the initiative of the service provider, at no additional cost. The customer accepts the principle and will not contest the upgrade to a vehicle of a higher standard.,All vehicles are strictly non-smoking.No baggage other than hand luggage will be accepted on passenger seats. The customer undertakes to transport only lawful contents that do not in any way disturb the journey or the passengers. BYJOWAY may refuse items inside the vehicle (e.g. glass bottles) and encourage passengers to repackage their luggage (e.g. food and drinks) before departure. Animals are not allowed on board vehiiicles. BYJOWAY provides car seat(s) and booster seat(s) essential for the safety of Baby(s) and Child(ren) passengers subject to having been informed at time of ordering of the presence of these Passenger profiles. Bottles of individual mineral water are not systematically placed in the vehicles. This is an additional service relative to a level of service agreed when the order is placed: brand and quantity, the basis being 1 (one) bottle of 33 cl (thirty_-three) maximum per passenger per transfer of more than 15 kms (fifteen) or 3 hours (three) of service.BYJOWAY would like to point out that its fleet is not suitable for all TPMR profiles, the ideal being vehicles with adapted assistance or medical systems and trained personnel. BYJOWAY will support or guide these special requests to ensure the best possible experience for the passengers concerned. The complete contact details of the customer – who may be the passenger or the sole or reference member of a group to be taken in charge – and the complete details of the flight or train must be communicated when the order is placed, or no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the start of the mission. The customer must ensure that he/she can be reached (e.g. an international telephone number) so that BYJOWAY can take charge of him/her at the airport of arrival as quickly as possible, or contact him/her for any needs related to the smooth running of the mission. Failing this, and in the event of the need stop, a flat-rate charge of ninety (90) euros (excl. VAT) may be invoiced for each hour started. The service provider reserves the right to refuse if this would have a legitimate impact on travel time and contractual commitments. Each passenger must adopt a respectful and courteous attitude towards BYJOWAY employees, partners, representatives and third parties. BYJOWAY reserves the right to refuse transportation to any person deemed unfit for road transportation as a Passenger (e.g. drunkenness, violent, incoherent, threatening behavior, etc.) based solely on the judgment of the BYJOWAY representative operationally involved in the situation. BYJOWAY will not take any risk that could represent a danger for the safety of all persons present in the vehicle as well as that of users. In this , no accessory request on the part of the customer or the beneficiary of the service may justify endangering the health and safety of our drivers and staff, including the proper observance of daily working hours and respect for their breaks and rest periods. BYJOWAY, as an experienced professional, is the sole decision-maker regarding the itineraries that will take the customer to his destination, as well as the points, the meeting points and the waiting areas during the process. Route choices and modifications are made on the basis of safety, traffic flow, distance and duration. During the performance of the service, no information will be given to anyone who is not in the vehicle, on the route taken by the vehicle, or on the stopover or arrival times. The driver is not authorized to answer the telephone while driving and BYJOWAY staff are instructed not to respond to any solicitation on this point. It is hereby stated that for any request relating to the level of English read/written/spoken by the drivers, BYJOWAY will have agreed with the customer the expected profile in terms of driver communication (the European framework of reference for languages may be a basis of reference). The customer is hereby informed that, as part of its security policy, BYJOWAY may install a geolocation system on its vehicles during transportation or provision services. The customer fully accepts this principle. Please note that drivers’ contact details (first name and telephone number) be provided by 5 p.m. (seventeen p.m.) at the latest the day before an assignment, once the BYJOWAY schedules have been drawn up and validated. In the case of specific arrangements, accreditations, escorts or tarmac access, BYJOWAY will of course adapt this provision as far as possible. For any other configuration, where Drivers and Vehicles coordinates would seem to be required not operationally indispensable, BYJOWAY will provide the elements with an increase of 190€ HT (one hundred and ninety) on the initial tariff, as a result of the imposed constraint. This operational information is submitted by BYJOWAY but remains relative to unexpected elements justifying modifications to schedules/drivers (e.g. illness) for which the company will have made replacement arrangements (back ).
- Exemption from liability The service ordered is the subject of the greatest care in its preparation and execution by BYJOWAY. BYJOWAY is not responsible for any case in which the contact details and clear designation of passengers are not communicated, for any reason, at any level, recalling the very principle of transporting people for a fee and identifying the people on board. Beyond this regulatory aspect, the telephone numbers of the passengers are the guarantee of good communication between the driver and his passengers and thus of the progress; in the event of non-transmission, BYJOWAY releases its whole responsibility on any subject operational order and results. BYJOWAY may not be held liable in the event of non-performance or improper performance of the contract due either to the customer’s fault, or to the insurmountable and unforeseeable act a third party to the contract, or to case of force majeure or external events (attack, act of terrorism, etc.). Also, and in a non-exhaustive way, BYJOWAY cannot be held responsible in the following cases in particular: 1/ Theft, loss or forgetfulness of personal belongings and luggage left on board the vehicles; 2/ Delay of the driver or impossibility of carrying out the mission due to particular conditions or external event (examples: strikes, road control, breakdown, demonstrations, climatic conditions, abnormal difficulties of circulation), etc. or case of absolute necessity; 3/ BYJOWAY reserves the right to cancel or modify the services without any obligation of notice if the comfort and/or safety of the passenger require it without its responsibility being able to be accepted. or cases of force majeure; 3/ BYJOWAY reserves the right to cancel or modify the services without any obligation to give prior notice if the comfort and/or safety of the passenger so requires, without its liability being incurred (e.g.: person in a state of inebriation); 4/ BYJOWAY cannot be held responsible for situations experienced by its passengers and customers, beneficiaries or . Of course, BYJOWAY cannot be held responsible for any additional damage caused by a change of mission, such as a missed connection or a missed train. 5/ In the case of missions carried out in a multi-actor context (e.g. an event with hostesses or security guards), BYJOWAY cannot be held responsible in any way whatsoever. BYJOWAY will not be held responsible for acts that do not fall within the scope of its own personnel or identified teams, and will not be held liable in any , including for actions that have consequences for the performance of BYJOWAY’s own missions (e.g. parking access via a secure portal). Drivers only (no cars provided, special situations) The provision of a chauffeur for the sole purpose of driving vehicles belonging to third parties, such as an event chauffeur, chauffeur de maître or valet, not include the assumption by BYJOWAY or its insurer of responsibility for any damage to the said vehicles entrusted to it: the insured declares that he/she is aware that such damage is formally excluded, and waives any recourse by the owner of the vehicle concerned and his/her insurers against the service provider or his/her insurer, noting he/she will have to bear the responsibility vis-à-vis the third party himself/herself. Subcontracting Subcontracted services for any agency or professional in the tourism, transport or events are carried out in the same way as for any customer: the present GCS apply and BYJOWAY undertakes to provide the service to the best of its ability according to the information supplied by the customer – principal, who is responsible for collecting and checking this information. In the case of execution of missions on behalf of a colleague, transport professional or any other client with its own operational tool or support, BYJOWAY cannot be forced to use any mode of communication or scoring tool or application.
- Cancellation and postponement conditions Every file is made up of one or more trips called « missions ». The customer understands and accepts that BYJOWAY’s level of service quality depends on mobilization of professional and salaried staff to serve the customer. Any request to cancel a file or assignment must be sent to BYJOWAY by e-mail at least 8 (eight) days before the date and time of the 1st assignment (start of the service), with the customer ensuring that it has been received. Failing this, the customer will be liable for compensation equivalent to a percentage of the amount of the complete file or mission(s) cancelled under the following conditions: 30% (thirty) for cancellations between 4 (four) calendar days and 8 (eight) calendar days before the date and time of commencement of the service or first assignment; 50% (fifty) for cancellations between 96h (ninety-six) and 48h (forty-eight) before the date and time of commencement of the service or first assignment; 100% (one hundred) for cancellations less than 48h (forty-eight) before the date and time of commencement of the service or first assignment or file. In the event of non-compliance with this notice period, all sums remain due. In any event, and apart from the cases specified above, the parties expressly waive the benefit of provisions of article 1195 of the French Civil Code, and declare that they assume, each insofar as it is concerned, the risk of a change of unforeseeable circumstances. In the event that a deposit has been paid, and of a cancellation according to the present terms (before 8 (eight) days) or specific conditions agreed upon (ex: exceptional or major event), BYJOWAY will proceed to reimbursement by bank transfer within 30 (thirty) days paid to the client, either in full or in part, the sums incurred for the completion of the assignments being deducted. In the event of a cancellation giving rise to a postponement within 60 (sixty) days, BYJOWAY undertakes to provide the service as agreed without variation of more than 20% (vint per cent) of the initial price, excluding public holidays; any deposit received will be valid for said postponement. In the event of late cancellation, giving rise to a postponement beyond 60 (sixty) days, BYJOWAY will apply cancellation conditions set out above. In any event, and apart from the cases specified above, the parties declare that they expressly waive the benefit of provisions of article 1195 of the French Civil Code, and declare that they assume, each as far as it is , the risk of unforeseeable changes in circumstances. Of , any postponement will be subject to the availability of BYJOWAY’s operating schedule.
- Intellectual Property and Copyright All documents provided to the customer/user or of which the latter becomes aware in the context of the order may not be reproduced, exploited, transmitted or represented in any form whatsoever and in any manner whatsoever without the prior written consent of BYJOWAY. In any event, BYJOWAY retains ownership of methods, know-how and processes it has developed or implemented in the course of its business relations with the customer. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the customer authorizes BYJOWAY to quote and display it on all media and in any manner whatsoever as a commercial reference or news. BYJOWAY may be required to take photographs during missions, except in specific cases of prohibition and security, clearly identified by the customer and validated by BYJOWAY.
- Confidentiality – Processing of personal data The personal data collected in the context of the performance of the service agreed with the customer are essential to the smooth running of the service. It is exclusively reserved for the use of BYJOWAY, which undertakes to use it only for the proper execution of the service. BYJOWAY undertakes to respect the confidentiality of personal data provided by the customer. The computerized processing of the personal data collected is intended for commercial follow-up (sending by e-mail within the limit of 10 e-mails/year) as well as the proper management of orders. It may not be communicated to any other third-party company, .e. one in which the customer’s personal data are used. BYJOWAY’s current associates would not have effective control within the meaning of the French Commercial Code or economic or commercial interests, with the exception of BYJOWAY’s co and subcontractors. In the context of the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) as of May 25, 2018, endorsed by Law 2018-493 of June 20, 2018, BYJOWAY declares that it has taken all the necessary measures to: a/ Gather the customer’s consent in an informed manner on the transmission of personal data necessary for its support; b/ Guarantee the integrity of the data and their security, in particular by encryption system and backup system; c/ Inform the customer in the event of loss or violation of the personal data entrusted. The customer, as well as the beneficiary of the service, have the right to access, rectify, forget and port their personal data, within the limits of BYJOWAY’s rights and subject to applicable legal provisions. The data controller is S.P.SEDJAÏ – contact@BYJOWAY.fr. Your personal data will be kept for a period of 2 (two) years from the last assignment carried out. This data is kept in order to respond to any checks by government departments on the reality of invoiced assignments, as well as to provide evidence in the event of any dispute.
- Disputes and Jurisdiction In the event of a dispute concerning the existence, conclusion, application, interpretation or termination of these general terms and conditions of service, the parties will attempt to reach an amicable solution. All claims must be made in writing. BYJOWAY has 3 (three) months to respond to the present request. Failing this, or in the event of a response that does not satisfy the consumer customer within the meaning of the French Consumer Code, the latter may, free of charge, refer the matter to the mediator or mediation service designated below: Nord Médiation – 8, rue d’Angleterre 59000 Lille (France). Failing amicable agreement, the competent court for professional customers will be the Commercial Court of Lille Métropole exclusively.
- Language and applicable law The language of the contract is French, even if the quotation has been issued in a foreign language to facilitate the exchange with the customer. The law applicable to the contract is French law, regardless of where the service is performed.